Does anyone else remember the tale of Jack and the Beanstalk from long ago?
That fairy tale boasted murder, terror and desires of social mobility too wouldn't you know!
In the cherished children's fable the nefarious giant bellows "Fee-fi-fo-fum
I smell the blood of an Englishman"
"Be he alive, or be he dead,
I'll grind his bones to make my bread"
In this adult rendition of the classic tale of murder and physical abuse
It doesn't help that Wilkes and Wong are more than a bit obtuse
Agatha can be counted on to be fashionable, selfish, pretentious and vain
In addition to highly intuitive, courageous and possibly bordering on being insane
She is a veritable genius at peeling back the duplicitous layers of murder and mayhem
And, yes, she is man crazy and quite irrational about romance, casual sex, and dating
As one who loves the television series featuring Agatha Raisin
I am a slightly biased critic because I think she's quite amazing
The murder investigations are inadvertently derailed
As leads lay undefined and interrogations of potential suspects fail
Gareth, Agatha's love struck client, is under suspicion as well
He hires our capricious and vain gumshoe to avoid being sent to jail
The Blacksmith though cantankerous and vulgar is not safe from harm
He meets his violent end to the tune of the executioners psalm
Thanks to Toni, Charles, and James Agatha evades a horrendous demise
It is only once she's gone off love and marriage that she's able to see past the thinly veiled lies
Agatha manages to discover John Hale's fate
His flesh is disguised in the pie of kidney and steak
Readers beware at times the writing is disjointed and the story line imprecise
But Beaton manages to reconnect the fragile threads after murder, to Agatha's chagrin, is executed not once but thrice.
The killer it is determined appears to suffer from an Oedipus complex
That caused him to distort the relationship between him and his mother no less.

That fairy tale boasted murder, terror and desires of social mobility too wouldn't you know!
In the cherished children's fable the nefarious giant bellows "Fee-fi-fo-fum
I smell the blood of an Englishman"
"Be he alive, or be he dead,
I'll grind his bones to make my bread"
In this adult rendition of the classic tale of murder and physical abuse
It doesn't help that Wilkes and Wong are more than a bit obtuse
Agatha can be counted on to be fashionable, selfish, pretentious and vain
In addition to highly intuitive, courageous and possibly bordering on being insane
She is a veritable genius at peeling back the duplicitous layers of murder and mayhem
And, yes, she is man crazy and quite irrational about romance, casual sex, and dating
As one who loves the television series featuring Agatha Raisin
I am a slightly biased critic because I think she's quite amazing
The murder investigations are inadvertently derailed
As leads lay undefined and interrogations of potential suspects fail
Gareth, Agatha's love struck client, is under suspicion as well
He hires our capricious and vain gumshoe to avoid being sent to jail
The Blacksmith though cantankerous and vulgar is not safe from harm
He meets his violent end to the tune of the executioners psalm
Thanks to Toni, Charles, and James Agatha evades a horrendous demise
It is only once she's gone off love and marriage that she's able to see past the thinly veiled lies
Agatha manages to discover John Hale's fate
His flesh is disguised in the pie of kidney and steak
Readers beware at times the writing is disjointed and the story line imprecise
But Beaton manages to reconnect the fragile threads after murder, to Agatha's chagrin, is executed not once but thrice.
The killer it is determined appears to suffer from an Oedipus complex
That caused him to distort the relationship between him and his mother no less.
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