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The Apology Written by Eve Ensler

Through this letter of unveiling; a young girl exposed to an empire of despair gains a  modicum
 of ablution
Created in the voice of her long dead father she articulates the momentous confession he should have  conveyed; not necessarily for retribution
The victim is consumed by self-loathing, mental turbulence, and grief
While the witness battles against overwhelming doubt and disbelief
That the abuser dares to rationalize the lewd & lascivious behavior
Implying he lacked control, he misinterpreted, that she was the inevitable traitor
The author, Eve, penetrates the veil of sexual and psychological trauma only intimated
That most people incorrectly conclude takes one that looks visibly evil to have orchestrated
The devastating revelation comes when she gives voice to the cacophony of deleterious effects
Culminating from emotional desertion, and unrestrained perversion that went unchecked
Her mother and siblings bared witness to her gradual physical, physiological, and spiritual degradation
The author devises an atonement of sorts from bits of recollections, conversations and broad introspection
Pulsating with posthumous clemency, self-actualization and reprimands for victim oppression and mental dejection
I found myself emotionally invested in Eve's veracious memoir; this transparent letting of humiliation and despair
Exposing the rocky landscape that millions are forced to navigate; her words, expose, cleanse, exhort, and illuminate making us all accountable, making us all aware

The Apology
