Four girls with tragic backgrounds named Ja’ziya, Tiki, ReRe, and Dirty E decide that they have to level up and get money. They began robbing local drug dealers that soon leads to bank robbery, and occasionally murder. These young, smart but misguided young lady’s take the dangerous route to success. Even in the end when their life is on the line, there isn’t much regret, just reminiscing and acceptance. I admit that all four girls still keep their head in the books and look out for each other no matter what circumstances or events occurred. The story line was very nice and well thought out. However, I would’ve liked for the book to be a bit more detailed. Also, there were quite a few grammatical errors that were missed by the editor. Overall I still enjoyed the read, the ending was an attention grabber for sure!
Written by Guest Contributor: Chelsea Henderson
Genre: Urban Fiction
Wow. What a good detailed review from you Chelsea. I think I need to go check this book out when I get a chance! Seems like a suspense packed book to read.