At 448 pages, a good investment for your wages, as secrets are revealed in provocative stages
Girl Waits With Gun
Boy thinks he has already won
But his troubles have only just begun
Coercion? Girl and her sisters are having none
Girl Waits With Gun
Introduces a facetious sort of fun
Through a collision the sisters met Harry
A scoundrel that only wished he was scary
He left Constance frustrated and wary
That is why his campaign of terror miscarried
A reprobate they'd soon as forget
And in the end he was made to regret
Antagonizing these three independent suffragettes
Constance was unique
In that she had a tomboyish physique
Norma was reticent and discrete
While Fleurette was described as alluring and petite
Sheriff Heath and his deputies interceded
Until the menacing and posturing receded
He held the reigns of a fragile peace
Until justice finally brought relief
At first the trio was diplomatic
Until the Black Hand gang became problematic
That the women took offense was automatic
As things progressed so rapidly the resolution warranted measures thus drastic
Harry Kaufman, the narcissist that he was, yearned to be feared and adored
Due to his misogynistic beliefs women he truly abhorred
Until his father and sister tired of his chicanery and showed him the proverbial door
And with celerity his influence over the country and town were inevitably no more
The trio kept the house and farm; and through the ordeal they came to no harm
At the conclusion the Girl With A Gun secured a job with the sheriff she managed to charm!
This review was riveting and has me wanting to dive deep into the intricacies of the characters. The review of this literary piece is fun, poetic and leaves me wanting more! This has become a new must read.