M icro-review of Those We Left Behind written by Stuart Neville A 359 page, 68 chapter exemplification of Grade A fiction! O ther titles I have read by Stuart Neville: The Final Sentence, So Say the Fallen and Lost You written under the pseudonym Haylen Beck. P ace of novel: Andante P rologue : The novel opens after the alleged murder of, foster parent, David Rolston by, orphaned brothers, Thomas and Ciaran Devine . The brothers appear unscathed by the veritable horror they have just inflicted. They discuss their impending arrest and incarceration with a sense of detachment and languor! W e are catapulted in time and space to the impending release of Ciaran. Thomas has already been released and allowed to get on with his, post incarceration, life. Pan right, enter Paula Cunningham , Probation officer to Ciaran. She is disaffected, highly suspicious, and aggravatingly oblivious to what is transpiring between the brothers right under her nose. She is loyal to policies, often,...